Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Museum Visit 1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Museum Visit 1 - Assignment Example The mesmerizing sculptures were a depiction of life different from the modern world. Hence, these sculptures and portraits are the reminder of the people and civilization which was prominent, powerful, victorious and alive, but don’t existent anymore (" Cantor Arts Center at Stanford University") The work which intrigued me most was the Mummy Mask of a Lady whose artist was unknown and which belonged to 7th-6th Century BCE. Funeral ceremony in ancient Egypt included sculpted masks tradition, which was made for the deceased person to strengthen his spirit for the afterlife sake. Hence, these burial masks contained specifications in engraved form of a deceased person. Prominent Royal Family Members wore burial masks with specifications of their rank, status, gender, beauty and personality attributes. Thus, youth, beauty and royalty were the evident features of such masks. Ancient Egyptians believed that spirits can recognize its body through the mask. Moreover, death was a transitional process for them, a journey from one life to the other. Therefore, these masks were considered to be objects which had a power to turn a mortal into divine state. Masks hold significant position in the prevailing society as well. Thus, these invisible masks are often worn on daily bases, as available in the form of hypocrisy, selfishness, greed, lust and many more. In the prevailing society the aim of these masks, is to attain wealth. However, the ancients wore masks to become immortals. Since, there is a lack of agreement of life after death in the prevailing society therefore, people wore mask to gain material benefits only in this life. The Mummy Mask of a Lady transcended me into a different dimension of time. A time where funerals took over 70 days, mask of a deceased was a symbol or verification object to enter into another life with an identity. The peculiar features of the mask embossed the status of the deceased, in a life; which was over for him. However,

Monday, October 28, 2019

Research Paper Essay Example for Free

Research Paper Essay Pharmaceutical Companies, Intellectual Property, and the Global AIDS Epidemic This case is provided at the end of chapter 3 of your text (Luthans and Doh). After reading the case, and performing research on the topic, answer the following questions: 1.) Do pharmaceutical companies have a responsibility to distribute drugs for free or at low cost in developing countries? What are the main arguments for and against such an approach? 2.) What are the principal arguments of pharma companies who oppose making exception to IPR laws for developing countries? What are the arguments by NGOs and others for a differential treatment? 3.) What impact would you expect South Africas decision to levy duties on drug imports from Western nations to have on the international distribution of drugs to South Africa? 4.) In June 2002, the WTO extended the transition period during which least-developed countries (LDCs) had to provide patent protection for pharmaceuticals. In your opinion, do you think this is an appropriate change in policy, or a dangerous precedent? What could be some of the negative ramifications of this resolution? What about effects for other industries? 5.) Given the initiatives announced by global development and aid organizations and among pharmaceutical companies themselves, was it necessary to relax IPR rules in order to ensure that adequate supplies of AIDs medications would be available for distribution in the developing world? 6.) What role do MNCs have in providing funding or other assistance to international organizations such as the Global Fund? Present your answers using APA-format: Eight to ten pages, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font. Also, please be sure to cite all scholarly information paraphrased or quoted from your researched sources of information on the case topic. Finally, be sure to include a separate Reference Page on which you list all of your research information sources according to correct APA citation style, depending on the kind of source: book, chapter, published article, internet article, etc. Submit this assignment to your instructor in Learning Plan 6 via the Assignment Drop Box labeled Research Paper. This assignment is worth 275 points and will be graded based on the Writing Intensive Rubric. Be sure that your paper shows multiple revisions with improved focus and clear writing for a general audience. Please remember to check your paper against the criteria in the Writing Intensive Research Paper Rubric before submitting it (see link above in this paragraph). Also, please let your Instructor know if you have any questions at all regarding producing or submitting this Research Paper assignment as the course progresses.a

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Kant and Moral Values Essay -- Philosophy Essays Papers

Kant says that moral values are ‘good without qualification.’ This assertion and similar remarks of Plato can be understood in terms of a return to moral data themselves in the following ways: 1. Moral values are objectively good and not relative to our judgments; 2. Moral goodness is intrinsic goodness grounded in the nature of acts and independent of our subjective satisfaction; 3. Moral goodness expresses in an essentially new and higher sense of the idea of value as such; 4. Moral Goodness cannot be abused like intellectual, aesthetic, temperamental and other values; 5. Moral values are good in that they never must be sacrificed for any other value, because they are incomparably higher and should absolutely and ‘first’ be sought for; 6. Moral goodness makes the person as such good; 7. All three different modes of participation in moral values are linked to the absolute, most ‘necessary’ and highest good for the person; 8. Moral Values are go ods "in the unrestricted sense" by being pure perfections in the sense that "neither in this world nor outside it" can we find anything that could be called good unqualifiedly except moral goodness which is absolutely better to possess than not to possess. 9. Moral Values are unconditionally good because they are never just ‘means’ towards ends. 10. Moral values imply a new type of ought which elucidates the ‘absolute sense’ in which they are good. Conclusion: These distinctions allow a better grasp of Kant and Plato as well as of a central ethical truth decisive for the moral education of humankind. Kant calls moral values the only values that are ‘good without qualification,’ and thereby states something very profound about morality. Let us read his great text in which he expresses ma... ...1961. S. 58-84. (8) See John Finnis, Fundamentals of Ethics (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983); see also the same author, Natural Law and Natural Rights (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1980). (9) See on this Anselm von Canterbury. Monologion, ch. 15. See also Josef Seifert, Essere e persona. Verso una fondazione fenomenologica di una metafisica classica e personalistica. (Milano: Vita e Pensiero, 1989), ch. 5. (10) Also in Anselm the deepest meaning of ‘maius’ is a moral one. Compare my Gott als Gottesbeweis (Heidelberg: Università ¤tsverlag C. Winter, 1996), ch. 11. (11) See on this Ethics, 2nd edn (Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1978), ch. 17-18; Josef Seifert, Josef Seifert, Essere e persona, cit., ch. 9. (12) On a sevenfold motivation of moral acts see Josef Seifert, Was ist und was motiviert eine sittliche Handlung? (Salzburg: Univ.Verlag A. Pustet, 1976).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Algerian War

Most of the African countries have at one time of another been engaged into warfare, either as a struggle for liberation from the colonialism or as a response from the bad governance which has characterized most parts of this continent. I believe that some of these struggles are justified since they led to liberation of the masses. For example the fight to draw away the colonialist was a noble cause since it brought independence in this region. The colonial powers were only up to satisfy their greedy appetite for resources from Africa leaving the continent bare with depleted resources.They were determined to milk Africa dry and perhaps this explains why they clung to the colonies for so long such that they had to be thrown away either through armed struggles or through international pressure. Some of the colonies were determined to make African countries their overseas territories so that they can continue oppressing the Africans. One such rule was the French government which wanted to extend their unwelcome stay in Algeria culminating into a struggle which had massive effects some of which are still felt today.One of the countries in Africa where the struggle for independence was quite remarkable and will for ever be in the history books is Algeria. In this paper I will attempt to explore the causes of this war that brought hope to the Algerian people and changed the course of their history forever. I will explain the course of the war analyzing the events which took place, and finally look at the effects of this struggle both in Algeria and France. (Windrow, M and Chappell 1997 5) This country was colonized by the French who occupied it for since early 1830s. They ruled this country for close to one hundred and fifty years.By 1954 the Algerians had become tired, weary and fed up by this occupation. They have had enough and they were ready to liberate themselves. In 1954 they waged a war which went down to the history as one of the fiercest in the history of i ndependence struggle. This was the climax of their aggression and humiliation they had undergone for the last one hundred years. They were so determined such that nothing would have turned them back. The forces were ready, they enjoyed massive support form the international bodies more so from their Arab neighbor who also wanted to see one of their neighbor redeemed from the chains of colonization.This conflict erupted exactly fifty years ago, despite being an independence struggle; a war is a war, something which leads to loss of life and destruction of property. It was an ugly war that dominated the world press to almost the same extent as other wars that have been fought in the world in the recent past. (Windrow, M and Chappell, M 1997 p3) The war ended with a win for the French side but the situation in Algeria had changed, despite the win they had to grant the people of Algeria the freedom they had been yearning.A question crops up, what could have happened if the Algerians won the war? Would they have tried to extend their territory beyond the curved borders? These are pertinent issues whose answers can not be direct. For one it would have been almost impossible for the Algerian freedom fighters to win given the level of the armies for the two sides. The French ha d a well coordinated force while Algerians only depended on militias who were not properly coordinated. Again the issue of weapons comes up; the French had access to modern and sophisticated weapons which Algerians could only have dreamed of.This war had many unique features; it was a three- and finally four-edged struggle between the French government, the European colonists and the Algerian nationalists and finally Charles de Gaulle. All these parties to the contest were pursuing different interests. The war left Algeria deeply bruised as a nation. It had some serious implication that no one could have imagined, its effect were not only felt in this North African country but also way back in France. (Shields,J 2007 27) Causes of the WarTo understand the real causes of this conflict it is important that we try to get a real situation of Algeria at that moment and in the past. This information will shed some light on why the Algerian people wanted to be free. Windrow and Chappell argue that the conflict was purely economical and social â€Å"some seventy five percent of the Muslims population were illiterate and they suffered chronic unemployment†p3. Therefore for these people to be liberated from the serious problems they were facing they had to get rid of the forces which they felt that were undermining their efforts to lead a better life.By the time the war was erupting Algeria had been under French occupation for close to a century where the territory was being reoffered to as a French overseas province. Windrow and Cappell observed that only a small percentage of the Muslims population in this country enjoyed the French citizenry rights where one was privilege d to own property. By this time the Muslims population had rose to eight millions. This population could not have survived under the conditions that prevailed in Algeria where the economy was not performing well and then their condition was not all that good.This level of poverty which has been described as abject greatly contributed to this conflict. I believe that when a society is subjected to conditions which are inhuman they will rise up and demand what is rightfully theirs. This is exactly what happened in Algeria. The people were generally tired of being subjected to suffering by foreigners, they wanted to live a decent life, though they wanted to solve things in a peaceful manner conflict could not have been avoided since the French government was adamant and they wanted to continue with the occupation of this resource rich country.(Shields, J 2007 28) The Algerians were dissatisfied with the treatment by the French government as second class citizens. They felt that this be ing country and they had every right to live in it and more so like any other person. In my research I have gathered that this is a problem that existed in all the African colonies where African faced serious discrimination. They were treated badly and subjected to unimaginable sufferings. Most of these people did not enjoy the privileges which the other races were entitled to.They were regarded as low class who should be civilized though the process of assimilation. When people are treated in such a horrible manner as happened in Algeria, eventually they will be fed with the situation and demand what is rightfully their. This is what the Algerians did; they were tired of such an environment where they could not enjoy full rights like anybody else. They had to look for a way to solve their problem, they did not foresee a situation where for the French colonial government would grant them independence through a silver platter.They were determined to go all the way and ensure their fr eedom. Algerians were determined to pursue their independence; it is in this struggle that nationalism and its elements are shown. The Algerian War was started mainly revolting Algerian mobilization which sought freedom on the premises of bad polices which segregated the people especially those cultures which did not speak in French. (Nehma, A and Zeleza, P 2008 56) During the Second World War, Algerians were actively involved both local and those of the European descent, they fought for France.In return they were supposed to be handsomely rewarded for their efforts. This is a promise that the French government never kept. These world war soldiers were disoriented since when the colonial government did not keep its promise. They felt betrayed; they had to find alternatives so that they can survive the hard time that ensued. They were easy target for the recruits because of their hostility to the government that never kept its promise. These soldiers were actively involved in the fre edom struggle for Algeria, perhaps to punish the French colonial government for neglecting them.This something that happened all over the continent, Africans were enrolled to fight for foreign countries and in the return they were to get some favors from the colonial governments. In Kenya the freedom fighters who were popularly known as the Mau Mau were mostly soldiers who had been recruited to fight for British overseas. On return they were supposed to be given land. Just like the French counterparts in Algeria the British colonial government did not honor its promise. The soldiers formed the group to fight for the freedom in that country and also to teach the colonial government a lesson (Windrow, M and Chappell 1997 5)My argument is that nationalism played a big role in the struggle for independence in this country. The Algerians were motivated by their desire to maintain cultural freedom and also reversion of the state to the rightful owners, who were the Algerian people. When t he French people set their foot in this land they were determined to get this country. they used all manner of tactics to subject the indigenous people to their rule. Rapes,killings and many other barbaric acts were committed to the Algerians in the name of conquered the country. The French army burned harvests emptied granaries and many other unfortunate things.This caused great resentment between the two groups, this hate grew reaching climax during the freedom struggle. Algerian resistance was vigorous though it was only for a short time; they were not prepared to fight foreign forces who wanted to take what is rightfully theirs. When it came to the freedom struggle they had learnt their lessons and were more determined than ever to ensure they were left free to rule their country as they wished. From the resistance which was mounted during the colonization period an insurgency which will later come to liberate the country was born.There arose some cultural tension between the Mu slims and the French people a type of resentment that lasted until this period and later came to yield to the type of aggression witnessed during the independence war. (Nehma, A and Zeleza, P 2008 58) Course of the war In the wee hours of 1st November 1954 the group called National Liberation Front was ready to start the liberation struggle, they launched massive attacks in different areas of Algeria They targeted the military and police posts, public areas among other crucial areas controlled by the colonial government.The group called on all the Muslims in Algeria to rise up against a regime that was oppressive and bring back sanity own their country where all people especially the indigenous Africans could be treated with respect. What would have happened if the people of Algeria did not rally behind this call to liberate themselves? I believe that the colonial government was very much determined to retain this country. Once it is rich in oil resources among other minerals. There fore by granting independence or ceasing power would transfer control of these resources to the Africans.Settlers would not have liked the idea since they had grown to, like the country and what they were getting from here. (Williams, N et al 2007 78) The government responded with massive force against this insurgency from the people who were labeled as terrorists. Would people who were fighting to liberate the masses be labeled as terrorist? In my opinion the FLA fighters were not terrorists rather they were group of people who were responding to an oppressive regime. Many leaders have been labeled as terrorists but times have proved them right.One such leaders was the former freedom fighter from South Africa who later became the President and one of the most popular and respected men in the world. Nelson Mandela was a terrorist according to the apartheid rulers of South Africa but to his people he was a hero. The same case applies the freedom fighter in Algeria the French governme nt declared these people as terror agents but to the Algerians they were heroes who can be relied on to make their motherland free once more. (Williams, N et al 2007 79)As the FLN spread their activities across the country, many European farmers in the country side were forced to sell their farms and belonging and shifted to the capital where they sought refuge. Here they pressured the government to take a stern action against the militias. The colons started organizing their own form of retaliation where they grouped some militias whom would attack the FLN members allover the country especially in Algiers. The Europeans called on the government to declare a state of emergency so that it can deal with the situation properly.(Williams, N et al 2007 78) The war took an ugly twist when the FLN fighters started to attack the civilians. This happened way back in August 1955,a great massacre of the civilian was reported near Phillippeville,the attack was carried out by the freedom fighter s. Intially the group had an operation tactic where it was only targeting the military and government properties. Now with the direct target of the people they were supposed to be fighting for complicated the matter. Perhaps this happens in every war. The civilians who in most cases are innocent get bruised.This killing was largely condemned and it prompted the French government to step up its effort on the war. Innocent lives had been lost including those who were not involved inn the war, the children and women. In response to this attack the government claimed to have killed more than one thousand guerillas. FLN gave some conflicting reports by claiming that more than twelve thousand Muslims died on retaliatory attacks coming from the French colonial government and the colon vigilante groups. (Alexandar, M and Keiger, J 2002 78)By 1956 it is estimated that the French government had already commission more than 400,000 troops to help crush the resistance that was mounting in this colony. They realized that it would not be an easy task to fight the groups that were coming up more so when they were using guerilla tactic and applying terrorism methods to fight the French government and its supporters. In the freedom fight there were Algerians who supporting the government . There were close to one hundred and eighty Muslim Algerians who were in the French forces and most of them were fighting as volunteers.In my opinion I believe that these people were supporting the government because they wanted the status quo to remain. They were already benefiting from the system and changes where freedom will be granted their normal lives will be affected. Most of these volunteers have been assimilated into the French system and have been accorded full French citizenship. To them they were fighting for their country but to the rest of the Algerians they were traitors, who had betrayed the noble cause to liberate the country. In 1956 and 1957 the violence escalated, it took a complete new dimension where the civilians were not spared by two warring sides.The military arm of the FLN used the tactics of hit and run where they recorded huge success. They avoided direct attacks or confrontation with the French troops. I believe that the group did this to avoid a situation where they would be overwhelmed by the French might. It is a known fact that the French troops had superior weapons than the militia groups. The war was proving to be complicated affairs for the French troops since the adoption of the hit and run tactics. It was becoming hard for the forces to get them since they were mixing with the civilians once they have launched an attack.This tactic has been used by many fighters who believe that the enemy has the power and the might to defeat them. To their advantage they rely on the expertise of their fighter’s training them on the tactics which can be described as terrorist like where they attack the enemy in the areas where attacks are l east expected. Kidnapping was also used, those commonly targeted were the collaborators especially the officials and those civilian who refused to support the revolutionary movement were not spared either, they were murdered. (Alexandar, M and Keiger, J 2002 79)The fact that the revolutionary group was forcing people to support them clearly shows that not all the Algerians supported the war as a means to get what they wanted. They are those who believed that there are other avenues which could have been employed and the ugly situation that prevailed at the moment could have been avoided. To some extent I tend to agree with this group which preferred peaceful means to the struggle against freedom, may be the destruction that was being witnessed at this moment would have been avoided. So many lives had been lost and yet freedom had not come by this year.Would it have been possible for the French government to enter into the negotiation with the so called militias? Perhaps this seemed like a mirage but eventually this happened later. The use of coercive methods on the fellow countrymen shows that the group had not inspired the whole Muslim population to rally behind them in the course. The group continued to gain ground by having control over region which were previously government controlled. In these regions they instituted some temporary authorities where they were able to collect taxes and also recruit fighters. The groups had to do this so that it can get some revenue to support itself .This was very vital for their survival. (Alistair, H 2006 18) French troops were forced to go back to the drawing board and come up with the new methods of fighting. In 1957 French General instituted a system where the country was divided into the sectors. Each sector was allocated a troop which had a role of suppressing the rebels’ activities. This method proved to be effective since the revolutionaries activities were greatly reduced in some of the areas. Barriers we re also placed in the borders so that the fighters who were coming from the neighboring countries could not gain access.Morocco and Tunisia being close neighbors to this North African country were hosting some of the fighters and even helping the revolutionary groups’ finacially. This type of help has been common in every part of Africa. There are wars which are financed by the neighboring countries when they have some vested interest. For these two countries they were obliged to help since a friendly Muslim community needed liberation. (Alistair, H 2006 18) The French military started to ruthlessly attack those areas that they thought had been supporting the rebels.They applied the principle of collective responsibility where all the villages cooperating with guerillas in any way whether sheltering or paying taxes to them were bombed. Those villages which were unreachable remote areas were raided through the air. A supervisory system where these villages were put on all time surveillance was instituted. This was to prevent the villagers from helping the rebels inn whatever way. There were areas especially in the mountainous region of Algeria where close to two million people were removed and transferred to the plains.This shows the determination these forces had to completely finish the revolutionary movement. If the French government was so determined to see to it that resistance has been crashed would they have used less time and resources negotiating with the so called rebel group? I believe this is an option that they were not ready to explore since they wanted to continue calling the shots in this country and again they would have been seen as a weak country entering into negotiation with a weak group-so they thought. In my observation France was afraid of repeating the same mistake as was in the Indochina war.They did not want to be seen as a though they were losing their grip and hence their position in the world political arena. They had to fig ht this war till the end and losing to them was not an option. (Yasher,F 1989 98) Back home in France there was a feeling that the situation has to be brought in to contol. Many were calling for the return of Charles de Guella return to power so that he can sort out the situation to the favor of his motherland and avoid a humiliation that will bruise the image of this mighty nation. (Hurd,E 2007 55).Charles was seen as the only figure that would rally the nation and give it the proper direction. Indeed his return was greeted by many as a good sign where the hostilities would be ended. His return was perhaps greeted with almost the same jubilation Americas president elect Barrack Obama got when he was elected the forty forth occupant of the white house. The Muslims in Algeria were now tired of this warfare which had destroyed most of what they had. They wanted a break from this ugly situation. And the man occupying the top seat in France was the solution to their problem.(Yasher, F 1 989 98) By the 1958 the rebels had been pushed to the wall, the French army was gaining grounds. They had won the military control in almost all the regions in the country. In the preceding year’s pressure was mounting on France to grant Algeria its independence. Charles was determined towards this course but he was getting some opposition from the settlers who felt that he had betrayed them. They even attempted unsuccessfully to topple him. Talks with rebels were instituted paving way for a free nation. The aftermathAlgeria's people dream to be an independent nation was finally granted. But I would ask was it worth this much? Many people had died in the course of this war. Both sides suffered heavy casualties. This is a situation that could have been avoided if men and women had let reason to prevail but man being a selfish animal who is determined to destroy had to do all that he can to ensure he is not humiliated. France was fighting for her position in the global politics ,on the same hand Algeria was fighting for recogniton in the world map as a sovereign nation.Their course was the same only that one was being denied by the other a chance to fulfill its course. (Hurd,E 2007 55) One conflict gave rise to another,it is funny how we solve one problem and in the process antoher crops. No wonder one philosopher said â€Å" man lives to solve problems without them life has no meaning†. The problem in Algeria was deepened by the crisis which engulfed the movement that was very vocal in the freedom struggle. Ahmed Bella was becoming very popular and in the process he wa challenging the leadership of the prime minsiter Ben Khedda.He later came to be elected the premier in an electionwhich was described as one sided. He announced that Algeria was not going to support any side as far as the world politics were concerned. He made friendship with Kennedy,Castro and many other leaders. This was in the an aim of consolidating his power and at the same time make Algeria a daring to those countries who could have provided aid. In an African style he did not last long he was desposed and put in a house arrest. This dispostiton was masterminded by the elements who were not happy with the Algeria’s progress.They are the vestigial elements that were left by the colonialist. Most of the problems being experienced in this nation can be traced way back to the algerian war and colonisation. The determination of the FLN government to hold on power and the oppositon mounting fromm the muslim fundamentalst groups have made this nation to be at war. (Hurd,E 2007 55) William ,N et al(2007) describe the Algerian war as nastier than the vietnam independence war(p44). Algeria as a french department had a lot instake. It was home to milions of settlers from europe who wanted to protect their intersts at all the cost.They felt betrayed by the man many thought would bring a solution to the algerian problem. They were not ready to enter in to the n egotiation or yield to any demands made by the Algerians. French government which has beeen described in many occasssions as half hearted reform did not convinvce the people of Algeria otherwise. The analysis of the situation indicate that algerians were more determined than ever,the repression directed to them by the french forces only gave them more energy to continue with the struggle. The situation in Algeria threatened to break France as anation .A couple was planned where a regime that was seen as incapable of handling the situation was to be replaced. The situation was saved by Charles de Guella who was called upon to rescue the nation. French positon in the global positon was in an all time low. (William ,N et al 2007She has been humiliated again,she was losing her colonies in a very horrible way. Her ego had been seriously bruised. This greatly affectred the nation pride,even Charles government was not soared either despite his popularity. He was facing more problem than on e could have imagined.He was losing colonies,immigration and unemployment was rising. Voilent strikes broke out in paris,this was a common thing from know on. These events can be traced back to the aftermath of the Algerian war which left the nation image seruios injured. Perhaps this was more serios than the defeat frace suffered during the Pro-Russian wars. (Hurd,E 2007 55) Conclusion The Algerian war represents the African struggle from the oppressive colonial regime but a question crops up when I look at the situation in most of the African countries.Some of them are in a bad shape than they were during the colonial time. What happened in this countries is that colonialist were subsituted by dictatorship. A good example is Zimbabwe,the county is on its knees due to the years of misrule,many other nations are in the near blink not because of the foreign domination but from the mismanagement which has characterized these nations for along time. It is high time that africa as a con tinent wake up to reality,rise up and embrace the true democracy. the one which will end the civil war in algeria and many other parts of Africa.The solutions lie within,pressure from the outside world can only bring temporary solution but the bigger picture lies within the continent to come up with solution that will bring conflicts to an end. The solidarity exprewssed by the people of algeria and the determination to gain independence should serve as an example to all those nations experiencing chaos.Work citedWindrow,M and Chappell,M. Algerian War 1954-62,Osprey Publishing co. (1997).Shields, J. The extreme Right in France,Routledge(2007).Nehma,A and Zeleza,P. The Roots of African Conflicts,The cause and Costs,Ohio University Press(2008).Williams,N,Berry,O ,Fallon,S and Catherine,N. Algerian War,Lonely Planet(2007).Alexander,M and Keiger,J. France and Algerian War,Taylor and Francis (2002).Alistair,H. A savage War of Peace:Algeria 1954-1962,New York Books(2006).Yashir,F. The Medi terrenen:Prospects of a New Intergration,New York,United Nations University Press(1989).Hurd,E. The Politics of Secularism in international Relations,Princetown,Princetown University Press.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

PharmaCare essay

The twenty-first century has seen pharmaceutical companies grow in unprecedented size and strength. Due to the unprecedented growth the larger pharmaceutical companies have gained leverage and power in the prescription drug industry, but they lack innovation to market and they seek ways to help the business continue to increase its profits. The pharmaceutical industry was once ethically sound and was a valuable player in the development of human health. However, overtime with the lack of innovation pharmaceutical companies are becoming an unethical market that exploits patients, doctors and anyone else it can to increase its profitability.With eyes only on profitability this can create a hazard for patients because there is deficient testing of the drugs prior to the drugs hitting the American market. In this research paper we will cover the many facets of PharmaCare, Coleria, and Wellco and the drug AD23 side effects, and its manufacturing in an impoverished nation with the low wage s and unsafe working conditions. All of which will be covered throughout this document. Marketing and Advertising The Food and Drug Administration relaxed the regulations regarding the need to advertise the side-effects of prescription drugs in 1997.  (FDA)The relaxed regulation allows for direct-to-consumer advertising and this change the marketing strategies. There is now an influx of pharmaceutical advertising using infomercials. Gary Humphreys informs us in his article, â€Å"Direct-to-Consumer Advertising Under Fire†, that pharmaceutical companies â€Å"spent just under $5 billion last year alone† (576) on this type of advertising. The infomercials somehow make consumers believe that there is a need for them to have the drug and therefore create an increase in its sales.Because consumers have a desire to take control of their health they are now going in the doctor’s office and telling the doctor’s about the infomercial and the drug that they would like to try. However, consumers are not aware that they prescription drug companies are not required to share all of the side-effects of the drugs and it may cause serious health problems when consumers can ask for drugs by name. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention prescription drug abuse is not an epidemic. The high use of prescription drugs has led to a decrease use in illegal drugs.In the United States it is common for Medical Doctors to receive a sales pitch from a drug company regarding their prescription drugs and highlight the many benefits of it as well. This is target marketing in which drug companies are targeting those in the medical field and those that are most likely to offer the product to a consumer and in turn this will lead to an increase in drug sales. This practice leads to questions related to medical ethics in the industry. Intellectual Property Protection The laws and regulations have strengthened the intellectual property protection o f branded drugs.One of the primary reasons for the Intellectual Property Protection was to get the pharmaceutical world thinking and give incentives for those who are being innovative. Products can be fixed for a specified time frame if they have a patent; what this means is it eliminates any direct competition which in turn allows the inventor to set the price of the drug and many times they are charging top dollar. The inventor is trying to recoup all money spent on the creation of the drug while also making a hefty profit.The Intellectual Property Protection have increased patent life of approximately 50 percent of all drugs from 1980 to present which contributes to prescription drug spending. A 1998 Congressional Budget Office (CBO) study showed that manufactures tend to introduce new branded drugs at premium prices, and then raise these prices. The study found that even after similar branded products enter the market, drug companies often continue to increase the price. The eth ical issue is because when the patent is lengthened it delays the entrance of less expensive generic drugs.And as a result the branded drugs dominate the market and the cost is passed down to the consumer. Regulations and Product Safety The Federal Food, Drug Administration is responsible for establishing the Code of Federal Regulations which outlines the rules and regulations governing pharmaceuticals. The rules are divided into sections and include guidance based on drug categories. Due to each person having varying reactions to pharmaceutical products not all side-effects are detected during clinical testing.The Federal Food, Drug Administration is responsible for sharing the information with consumers. However, it seems a bit unethical because the large pharmaceutical companies do not have to share all of side-effect information that may assist consumers in making its choice on whether to try a product or to not try a product. Through various survey’s it was discovered th at consumers are under the opinion that pharmaceutical companies need to have improved internal controls to ensure their compliance with regulations.Due to physicians and pharmaceutical companies working together and are dependent on one another there needs to be controls in place that would have an unbiased view of the regulations. The government will need to continue introducing new regulations that will aide in monitoring the relationships. Direct-To –Consumer Marketing Direct to consumer is a form of advertising that markets directly to consumers bypassing the distributor. In the mid 1980’s pharmaceutical companies provided information about prescription drugs to doctors and pharmacists.The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) allowed print ads to run and the pharmaceutical companies had great success and were then permitted to begin running advertisement on television. Currently over $5 billion is spent annually to present this advertisement to the American public vi a direct marketing print ads, television broadcast, and online. There is an issue with this is that the FDA does not voluntarily monitor these ads and the advertisement may actually be misleading and the American public may not be aware that the ad did not pass the FDA check.The Office of Prescription Drug Promotion (OPDP) is required to take action against ads that violate the law and are required to take action along with communicating information to consumers and employees in the health care industry. Prescription-drug ads prompt nearly one-third of Americans to ask their doctors about an advertised medicine, and 82% of those who ask say their physicians recommended a prescription. The findings in a national survey by USA TODAY, the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Harvard School of Public Health come as drug advertising hit a record $4. 8 billion in 2006, up from $2.6 billion in 2002.â€Å"Our survey shows why the drug companies all these ads: They work,† says Drew Altman , president of the Kaiser Foundation. â€Å"Many people get drugs they otherwise wouldn't. While there's a debate about whether that's a good thing for patients, it does cost the country more. † Among people who requested a drug, 44% said physicians gave the one they asked about, while slightly more than half said doctors prescribed a different drug. Sometimes, doctors did both. When duplicate answers were removed, the poll found 82% of patients got some type of prescription.  (USA Today)I would make the argument against Direct-to-Consumer marketing although it seems to be is working and putting the choices back into the consumers’ hands. My argument against the direct-to-consumer advertisement is simply because consumers are not being provided all the necessary details about a product. Drug makers are ignoring the guidelines that apply to consumer education and are highlighting only a few on the many side-effects. Consumers often will not take into consideration doc tor’s recommendations also because they visit their doctor with hopes of gaining the same results as what was shown in the marketing ad.The many infomercials seem to favor male enhancements drugs such as Cialis and Viagra which can confuse children if they, see the infomercial. It should be the responsibility of physicians to determine the proper medications for their patients. Compounding Pharmacy Regulators Generally, state boards of pharmacy will continue to have primary responsibility for the day-to-day oversight of state-licensed pharmacies that compound drugs in accordance with the conditions of section 503A of the FDCA, although FDA retains some authority over their operations.For example, the adulteration or misbranding of drugs compounded under section 503A, or false or misleading statements in the labeling or advertising of such drugs, may result in violations of Federal law. Firms that register with FDA as â€Å"outsourcing facilities† under section 503B wil l be regulated by FDA and inspected by FDA according to a risk-based schedule. (FDA) In the PharmaCare scenario should have enacted the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) of 1992 earlier. According to Forbes magazine, to solve this problem, Congress enacted the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) of 1992.PDUFA provided a mechanism whereby charges were levied on pharmaceutical companies for each new drug application (NDA) filed. The revenues from these â€Å"user fees† were used to hire 600 new drug reviewers and support staff. These new medical officers, chemists, pharmacologists, and other experts were tasked with clearing the backlog of NDAs awaiting approval. Consequently, the FDA was able to reduce review times of NDAs to 12 months for standard NDAs and to 6 months for priority applications that involved significant advances over existing treatment.As a result of PDUFA,  the timing of U. S. drug approvals began to mirror that of the rest of the world. (Forbes) If the Act was in place the pharmaceuticals would have been reviewed sooner and it could have possible saved lives. Utilitarianism: The ethical theory of Utilitarianism would state that any decision concerning business conduct should be proper and the decision that is made should be best for the greatest number of people. When looking at the PharmaCare scenario did not allow all stakeholders the option to take into consideration the drug that they were providing to them.It would seem as though the management team and Coleria focused only on the thought and idea that the pharmaceuticals would produce more good than harm or bad consequences and in this case if they had gambled they would have lost. They continued to sell that drug with a thought process that the drug was helping more people than hurt with only a small number of people affected by side effects therefore it justified the need to continue producing and distributing. Deontology: The deontological ethics places morality and moral laws as a standard in which people should make their decisions.The process used by PharmaCare and Coleria did not follow deontology because although the company and its management staff was aware of the side effects of the drugs being made and the numerous deaths that were caused they did nothing to stop its production. They were more concerned about the profits they were gaining and did not take into consideration the moral outcome. PharmaCare or Coleria did not treat consumers as they would like to be treated therefore we know that PharmaCare and Coleria did not operate under the ethical values of deontology.Virtue ethics: Virtue ethics suggests that helping people is a good charitable and kind thing to do. The virtue ethics although seem as though they would be the same as deontology it differs because it focuses in the motives a moral character and emotions in our moral life. The management team at PharamaCare or Coleria did not seem to consider the virtue ethics at least not to those that worked with them. The virtue of honesty was absent in its transactions and the way that business was done.Something that is important to a person  that is operating under virtue ethics they consider the actions of what they are doing and honest people would not do dishonest acts intentionally because they would have believed that honesty is the best practice. Ethics of care: Pharmaceutical companies have a duty to provide medicines to both the physicians and the consumers that will address the health needs of its patients in a safe manner with little to no side effects. PharmaCare and Coleria again did not accomplish this simple duty of care. The company provided a medicine that caused great harm and even death to some in order to earn a few extra dollars.There was a huge conflict of interest between the PharmaCare, Coleria and the consumers who needed the medications because there was a duty to share the side effects, there was a duty to provide additional testi ng on the medicine and there was a duty to discontinue the manufacturing of the drug when the drug failed to do what consumers needed. The health of the consumer or patient should be presented to them completely free of bias or potential for bias and consumers should not be misled. Your own moral/ethical compass:PharmaCare and Coleria had a moral and ethical duty to do what was right and in my opinion that did not adhere to any moral ethical standards in their business transactions. Their lies and misleading strategies hurt those that needed them and those that were in a vulnerable condition. There were many people that requested, believed in, and should have benefited from a medicine that would help them lead a more fulfilling life and in some instances it ended their lived prematurely. PharmaCare and Coleria were obligated to share with consumers the main risks that were associated with taking the drug.When considering the moral and ethical questions in some instances when thinkin g of the case it swayed even in mid-thought on occasion. The thoughts went from what would I do if I were in need of the medication would I want to take it and risk the side effects because of a promise of improved health. Or would I pass on taking the drug and continue suffering with my illness. I was under the thought that although many died that had it not been for the large profits that the pharmaceutical companies received, that it would have been simply said that they were improving  humanity and the quality of life.There is no agreement with the steps that were taken and it seems a bit unfair for many, it was not the proper thing for PharmaCare and they should have discontinued the use and production of the drug until testing and improvement was done. PharmaCare/Coberia – Intellectual Property law The generous laws in the United States regarding Intellectual Property laws aided in protecting PharmaCare and its manufacturer Colberia. However, these protection laws fai led to protect the workers at Colberia or the many consumers that were hurt or killed due to a bad drug.It has been said that intellectual property is a pharmaceutical company’s most valuable resource because it can protect the company and help with the success of the company. Colberia a developing nation aided PharmaCare in manufacturing an affordable drug and along the way PharmaCare exploited the intellectual property laws. In the 1990’s there was an urgent need for medications and PharmaCare acted on greed without taking into consideration the harm it could do the reputation of its business due to its interpretation of intellectual rights.Because Colberia was a less developed country PharmaCare was able to find intellectual property protection. The drug AD23 was manufactured in Colberia at much lower cost which was seen as a great opportunity for PharmaCare. Unfortunately, PharmaCare was not able to manage the facilities or the business adequately. Intellectual pro perty laws have faced scrutiny over the years and increasing pressure to ensure that intellectual property laws and standards are not compromised.PharmaCare did not create economic growth in Colberia the wages it paid to the workers was unfair and unjust given the huge profits and bonuses received by PharmaCare and its management staff. PharmaCare repays Colberia PharmaCare has a moral obligation to pay Colberia and its citizens by investing in the area. There are many things that the giant pharmaceutical company can do, however it would be best if life-long improvement were made to have a positive impact on generations.The Global Poverty Info Bank says it best; â€Å"Improve the infrastructure, fighting widespread disease, and combatting poverty. Infrastructure- the physical resources like roads, telecommunication networks, schools and drains – is necessary for a society to function: people can’t access healthcare if there are no hospitals; trade can’t take pl ace if there are no roads on which to transport goods to markets. Infrastructure facilitates the basic functions of a society that are necessary to transport resources and people, produce and trade goods provide essential services and ultimately reduce poverty.Suggest at least three (3) ways the company could compensate the people and nation of Colberia for the use of its intellectual property and the damage to its environment. † I agree with the assessment of repaying Colberia with putting money and resources into the country to build new infrastructure, provide medical resources and medications to fight widespread disease and then assist with fighting hunger by providing resources to teach and provide items for growing and cultivating plant foods. PharmaCare could make amends to the entire country by aiding the citizens in developmental growth.PharmaCare vs. Nike – Ethics Both PharmaCare and Nike hired laborers to perform work that would have cost substantially more i n the United States. Both PharmaCare and Nike received a wave of consumer criticism and other negative feedback because of the unfair labor practices. Both have been accused of human rights violations and when you think of the countries in which they place the manufacturing businesses along with the working conditions, although completely different lines of business and different types of manufacturing; they both faced similar consumer backlash and economic concern.Both will need to ensure that working conditions are up to acceptable standards and that workers are fairly compensated. A Code of Conduct should be drawn up and all management and workers should sign. The Code of Conduct would consist of hours, compensation, reporting, training and employee or employer expectations. PharmaCARE and WellCo lawsuitThe lawsuits against PharmCare and Wellco are possible and would be very successful. Many of those that had taken the drug along with those that are left behind should have the ri ght to sue and be successful at gaining compensation. Due to many of the side effects that were not disclosed it lead to the hospitalization and death of the patient should ensure compensation to those affected due to their loss. Often times companies with  a lot of financial resources prefer to settle the case quickly and have little public exposure and many have all parties involved to sign a confidentiality clause. The various types of restitution are:†¢Death of a loved one †¢Loss of quality of life †¢Pain and suffering’ †¢Lost wages die to poor health †¢Medical costs Any person negatively impacted whether they are a patient or employer will have the opportunity to recoup some of its losses or acquire punitive damages. The faulty drugs had a devastating effect on many people and the pharmaceutical companies made a huge profit, and most are covered by insurance policies that would assist in paying the many forthcoming lawsuits.The PharmaCare brand At the current time PharmaCare continues to build its brand and is trying to regain consumer confidence. The mission and commitment statement of Pharmacare is stated below and as PharmaCare is rebuilding it remains cautious about its interactions so as not to cause harm to consumers and its shareholders as it has done in the past. The Mission of PharmaCare is: â€Å"is to develop an organization of regional pharmacies that is palpably different from our competition.The vision is to realize this distinction by concentrating on different patient populations, that is, those who need specialized, personal service; create partnerships with referring physicians; build loyalty among our employees; give back to the community; resurrect the time-honored practice of door-to-door delivery, and rely on word-of-mouth to create demand. PharmaCare continued with a commitment statement that reads as follows, â€Å"To our patients: Treat our patients with the same compassion, care and individual a ttention that we give to our family members.To our physicians: Understand that physicians are able to serve their better when we serve the physicians better; therefore we are available, flexible, convenient, responsive. To our Case Managers and Care Givers: Streamline the process between prescription and the medication. Streamline the process between the refill request and the medication. Provide medication-related, logistical, and financial information and assistance when requested and proactively.PharmaCare will need to continue conducting business in the same manner as stated in both the mission and commitment statement in an effort to remain a valuable resource to the pharmaceutical world. Ethical changes of PharmaCare The ethical conduct of PharmaCare is vital to the success and profitability of the company. The integrity PharmaCare will be reviewed for years to come and as such PharmaCare management team and stakeholders will need to react proactively to any negative feedback and communication that it may receive.PharmaCare will need to ensure that all employees are receiving a fair wage and that if using developed countries that they are being fairly compensated for the land, space and its residents. PharmaCare will need to ensure that all drugs are approved by the FDA and are safe to be on the market. PharmaCare will need to disclose any relevant information that is known regarding the side effects to enable them to make informed decisions on their choice of medication. PharmaCare will need to ensure that it is operating within all regulations and laws that have been set by the FDA and its affiliates.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

One Minute Manager essays

One Minute Manager essays The One Minute Manager provides a concise and simple method for planning, coaching and evaluating people for organizational and personal success. For many, the book sets forth the principles for productive relationships between a manager and his or her associates. There are three different methods portrayed that will help employers and employees find such a relationship. The first is One Minute Goal Setting. The second is One Minute Praisings. Lastly, the book suggests One Minute Reprimands. With these work ethics in practice, a friendly, more productive work place results for everyone. One Minute Goal Setting is the foundation and first secret to being a One Minute Manager. The One Minute Manager spends time at the beginning of a new task or when an associate first starts at the organization to detail areas of responsibility and what he or she is being held accountable for. The first part of One Minute Goal Setting is being absolutely clear of ones goals. Once one determines his/her responsibilities, those goals should be written in 250 words or less. These goals are written to the individual can review these goals at any point in time considering that it would only take a few minutes to review those goals. Then one can reflect as to whether or not his/her behavior is adding up to the goals. To know if one is behaving in an efficiently productive manner, one must have an understanding of performance standards. Feedback is the number one motivator of people. One Minute Praisings develops people by "catching people doing things right" and praising them for their performance. When someone does something that is worthy of praise, that person must be praised immediately. The person must be told in a very clear and specific manner what he/she is doing right. Let the person know how you feel towards them and how well it contributes to the company. Even pausing for an uncomfortab ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Sophocles Oedipus the King essays

Sophocles Oedipus the King essays In the tragedy Oedipus the King by Sophocles, Oedipuss brother-in-law (Jocastas brother) Creon is a good example of the modern-day saying Dont shoot the messenger particularly in terms of Oedipuss reaction to Tiresiass earlier prophesy that Oedipus would kill Laius and marry Jocasta. Oedipus and Creon are also very opposite one another in their attitudes, behavior, and piety. Although Creon eventually develops into a more complex, even wrathful character in the two later tragedies by Sophocles built on Oedipus the King (Antigone and Oedipus at Colonus) Creon in this first of the three plays is calm, reasonable, matter-of-fact, and uninterested in exercising power by being King; while Oedipus is quite the opposite: anxious; unreasonable; prideful; interested in maintaining power, and disrespectful of the Gods. Throughout the play Oedipus shows hubris while Creon shows humility. A symptom of the hubris of Oedipus is that he refuses to accept the truth if the truth displeases him. For example, when Oedipus first speaks with Tiresias, he concludes that Tiresias and Creon must have conspired together against him to oust him from the throne so Creon can inherit Thebes. However, as Tiresias accurately tells Oedipus, (Sophocles, Oedipus the King line 434): Creon is not your downfall, no, you are your own. Although at the beginning of the play Oedipus strongly believes Creon has hatched a plot against him, Creons own insistence, in lines 663-667, that he himself has no interest whatsoever in becoming King, rings true. As he states, How could kingship please me more than influence, power without a qualm? Im not that deluded yet, to reach for anything but privilege. Then, not content to have Oedipus simply take his word, Creon adds (lines 677-679): Do you want proof? Go to Delphi yourself, examine the oracle and see if Iv...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

A sound mind in a sound body - Smart Custom Writing Samples

A sound mind in a sound body - Smart Custom Writing GregorThe Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka's is a characteristic in the genre of investigational symbolic fiction that came about in the early 20th century. The central character of the story, Gregor Samsa, is the epitome of the numbing of the soul amidst the rising of the industrial revolution. An irony in The Metamorphosis is that Gregor Samsa experiences a metamorphosis in the corporeal sense only; philosophically was always a bug and turning out to be one physically has no consequence on his satisfaction in life. According to Karl Marx, the laborer's "work is external to the worker, i.e., it does not form part of his essential being so that instead of feeling well in his work, he feels unhappy, instead of developing his free physical and mental energy, he abuses his body and ruins his mind" (Bloom 107).   Gregor is the perfect symbol for what Marx is arguing about; he is estranged from the product he endeavors to generate for the reason that he doesn't own it. Further, he is actually not even laboring to earn a wage; his wages are going to settling his father's sum unpaid. When Gregor body transforms into the bug he was philosophically all alone, his alienation and isolation turns out to be complete. â€Å"Gregor Samsa's transformation into vermin presents self-alienation in a literal way,not merely a customary metaphor become fictional manner more drastic could illustrate the alienation of a consciousness from its own being than Gregor Samsa's startled and startling awakening† (Bloom 105). Lastly, Gregor's estrangement from his humankind is totally realized and physicalized: â€Å"That is to say, Samsa, having been a successful salesman, was once the pillar of his family, but now, being helpless, his sister assumes in the eyes of his parents the role of leadership and reassuring strength that he had once occupied† (Scott 37). Just like an insect is a small participant in the grander system of nature and not anticipated to experience things such as ambition or content, so does Gregor ultimately give over completely to a scheme m eant to obliterate those key workings of humanity. Bloom, Harold, ed. Franz Kafka's the Metamorphosis. New York: Chelsea House, 1988. Scott, Nathan A. Rehearsals of Discomposure: Alienation and Reconciliation in Modern Literature: Franz Kafka, Ignazio Silone, D. H. Lawrence . New York: King's Crown Press, 1952. Kafka, Franz. "The Metamorphosis." The Norton Anthology of World Literature, Vol. F: The Twentieth Century. 2nd Edition. Ed. Sarah Lawall. New York: W.W. Norton Company, 2003.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Investigate Foreign Exchange Markets Research Paper

Investigate Foreign Exchange Markets - Research Paper Example The basic function of the foreign exchange market is to help in conversion of one currency to another. The fundamental thing here is to help achieve the goal of transferring of the purchasing power between two countries. This is made possible by the credit instruments. During the transfer process the foreign exchange market does the payments internationally. Another important function is the credit function which its role is to provide credit. This takes place both locally and internationally and it promotes foreign trade. The other function of foreign exchange market is the hedging process.The exchange rates in prices of one currency compared to another may vary and there might result to a loss or a gain. In that case, the party involved usually takes a high risk if there are huge amounts of net claims or liabilities which are to be met in foreign money. Exchange risks like such should be avoided or minimized if possible. The foreign exchange market provides the facilities of hedgin g to cub some of this problem encountered in the process. The forward market contributes in a big way to make it possible to hedge an exchange an exchange position. A forward contract goes for three months and it entails buying and selling of foreign exchange against another currencies during specific period. The primary market is where the securities are made and in this market is where firms sell new stocks and bonds to the public for the very first time. Initial public offering (IPO) is the same as the primary market. This is the pattern used in IPO: the company consults an underwriting firm to determine the legal and financial details of public offering. Then a registration statement is achieved from the authorities. The governing body must approve the statement which has got details on the price, benefits, and restrictions and this is issued to the people who are buying the securities (Machiraju, 2012). The purchasing power

Vidkon Quisling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Vidkon Quisling - Essay Example underlying dynamics of the rise of Nazi Germany, Hitler, and the occupation of Norway and other European countries during this pivotal period in the history of the involved countries, and Europe in general. The historical records identify Quisling as belonging in the halls of infamy, having been tagged as one of the most prominent traitors from the Second World War. He served as a puppet head of Norway during the Second World War, starting in 1942, with the Nazis propping up his rule, and as a representative of Nazi rule in the country. The elected head of Norway during this period was forced to go into exile in Great Britain, a social democrat in Johan Nygaardsvold, even as Quisling held on to power all the way to the end of the war. After that, with the Nazis defeated and driven out of the country, Quisling would go on to be tried and convicted of high treason, for which he was sentenced to death by firing squad. Quisling has, since that time become associated with the word traitor in the English language, and in other major European languages besides, attesting to the notoriety that the man gained in the historical records and the collective memory of all Europeans from that time onwards to the present. Among his many crimes, for which he was put to death, was collaboration with the Nazis in transporting the Jews in Norway during his time and bringing them to their death in the concentration camps. Prior to his ascension to power in Norway, he had already developed anti-Jewish sentiments, and among his other crimes included deposing the legally installed government as well as the Norwegian monarchy from power from 1942 onwards. In the 1930’s too, Quisling had already established a party that was allied with the Nazi cause in Norway, planting the seeds of his later collaboration with Hitler when he tried to seize power on behalf of Nazi Germany in 1940. Prior to this time Norway had been neutral, and this act and his collaboration with Nazi Germany eff ectively

Friday, October 18, 2019

Alignment of Academic Standards with ELL Proficiency Standards Essay

Alignment of Academic Standards with ELL Proficiency Standards - Essay Example In addition, the expose investigates the approaches that data from various sources is an essential tool in driving institutions based on the standard. Finally, the expose will investigate the approaches that the standard can be tailor-made to motivate the learner while meeting their needs. The Arizona English Language Proficient (ELP) standards are organized within different strands. These strands are Listening and speaking strand, Writing, Language strand, and reading strands. Conversely, the presentation of information is organized into different stages (grade-bands) that start from ELL 1, at the kindergarten level, to ELL V, that refers to grades 9-12 (ADE, 2012). In addition, the organization includes domains or language strand, the performance indicators, and English proficiency levels. Among the three domains, include the Proficiency Level Descriptors, found in each level that tests proficiency. These levels of proficiency can be pre-emergent, emergent, basic, and intermediate. On the other hand, Performance Indicators guide the process of identifying the knowledge, skills, and abilities that a learner should receive in different levels of ELL. In effect, the analysis of the performance indicators requires corrective measures or the movement to the next level of the ELL instructions (AED, 2012). Data regarding a learner’s performance and progress can guide the standard-based instructions. In this regard, it is evident that the various levels in ELL are indicative of the requirement of progress in a learner learning the English language. Hence, data on the learners, which is from their performance and proficient indicators, guide the instructor in identifying the progress made with the learner and provide the desired direction. In addition, the data provides feedback on the knowledge, skills, and experiences acquired by the learner and

Human Law and Conscience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Human Law and Conscience - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that conscience can be regarded as a set of moral convictions arising from traditional and spiritual beliefs, which is invoked and defined by the individual himself. Unlike the structural Human Laws, which includes both the civil laws and ecclesiastical laws, conscience is a subjective concept that holds the possibility of implicating total sovereignty over these human laws. Most importantly, the value of human conscience has a direct influence on the individual’s expression of denial or compliance with the human laws. However, the conflict between this individual conscience and human laws is inevitable. Exercising one’s own conscience by involving or refusing to the government that enforces unfair policies is one of the primary right and obligation for any citizen to act upon. There are many scholars and theorists who express the civil disobedience in the light of human conscience. Civil disobedience can be regarded as a nece ssary expression of human conscience and morality towards unjust laws. The concept of the right to resistance has a significant importance when the government policies turn out to be unjust or immortal towards the society. This would help in reconfiguring the laws of the State to make it more equitable and less onerous towards its treatment of the community as a whole. According to Henry David Thoreau, the morality of individual acts can possibly outweigh the consequences of civil disobedience against the severity of the injustice. It can be asserted that acting on civil disobedience does not undermine the power of democracy but it reinforces the values of liberty and deference. In circumstances when the human laws or government policies become an intrusive power, stifling the people’s rights, civil disobedience is acceptable by all means that would recognize the freedom of every individual. Fighting against inequality within a community has to be witnessed through the inborn , unwritten law of one’s conscience rather than inferring from the human laws that actually created it in the first place.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Underground War in Gaza Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

The Underground War in Gaza - Essay Example In this work, the author was targeting people with plans to encourage peace at Gaza and those who love current affairs. This work creates an understanding of what is happening in Rafah. For instance, it is revealed that depart their residents for worry of being destroyed by the Israelites who destroy houses to demolish tunnels and enemy hideouts. For the lovers of the current affairs, the work informs them on how Gaza war is ongoing. For example, one understands why Israel continues with the destruction of homes. The essay organization reflects what I am doing with the purpose. For example, the essay begins with an overview of the war at Gaza. Next, a thesis is developed as to why this war has continued despite the peace efforts from different countries. In the essay quotes have been used to strengthen the essay. For example, the word Israel has been quoted to imply that it is regarded as the main enemy in the Gaza war. This is because this assumption has been developed by the civili ans of Gaza and thus it has not been proved. Also, quotes have been used in indicating expert’s opinions regarding the Gaza war. The writer’s strategy of presenting his work as comic is what interested me. This is because the strategy helped in reaching different audiences who are convinced to read this work due to its comical nature. I have also addressed the author arrangements. For example, he came up with conclusions after conducting interviews and making comparisons with news.

Preceptor Scenario Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Preceptor Scenario - Coursework Example 3). Jackie, a thirty-one-year old Japanese with two children was complained by her preceptor. The preceptor approached the manager and stated that the new nurse doesn’t listen to her and might be the least intelligent person she has ever met. The preceptor wondered how this new nurse made it to nursing school and wanted to be demoted as the new nurse’s preceptor. The manager told the preceptor to wait until she finds a replacement. While walking through the unit, the manager overheard the senior nurse belittling the new nurse in front of a group of peers. No one dared to say anything to the senior nurse and the new nurse was already upset of the situation. As the manager, the uncomfortable situation between the preceptor and the new nurse seems to be alarming and needs to be addressed promptly to avoid serious complications. The manager may call the senior nurse and the new nurse in a private conference so that none of them will feel intimidated and can freely verbalize issues and conflicts. The case of preceptorship is like meeting two strangers (Fitzpatrick& Wallace, 2009, p. 132) and by having a conversation, the senior nurse might understand the reason why the new nurse does not listen to her (e.g., language barrier) and the new nurse might address areas of change (e.g., enhancing comprehension).

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Underground War in Gaza Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

The Underground War in Gaza - Essay Example In this work, the author was targeting people with plans to encourage peace at Gaza and those who love current affairs. This work creates an understanding of what is happening in Rafah. For instance, it is revealed that depart their residents for worry of being destroyed by the Israelites who destroy houses to demolish tunnels and enemy hideouts. For the lovers of the current affairs, the work informs them on how Gaza war is ongoing. For example, one understands why Israel continues with the destruction of homes. The essay organization reflects what I am doing with the purpose. For example, the essay begins with an overview of the war at Gaza. Next, a thesis is developed as to why this war has continued despite the peace efforts from different countries. In the essay quotes have been used to strengthen the essay. For example, the word Israel has been quoted to imply that it is regarded as the main enemy in the Gaza war. This is because this assumption has been developed by the civili ans of Gaza and thus it has not been proved. Also, quotes have been used in indicating expert’s opinions regarding the Gaza war. The writer’s strategy of presenting his work as comic is what interested me. This is because the strategy helped in reaching different audiences who are convinced to read this work due to its comical nature. I have also addressed the author arrangements. For example, he came up with conclusions after conducting interviews and making comparisons with news.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Liberty Leading the People - Eugne Delacroix Essay

The Liberty Leading the People - Eugne Delacroix - Essay Example The painting reveals the picture of a heroine carrying a flag and a musket slightly at the right of the painting. There is also a child who is holding two guns on the right of the painting. Additionally, another man is holding a sword and is armed for battle on the left corner. There is also another young man holding a musket at left of the painting. Apparently, many people are helplessly lying on the ground. In the background a blue sky and light is seen on the horizon. The flag carried by one woman, the heroine, is colored red, white and blue. The men, who are armed, are dressed in uniform ( Coetzee 45). The uniform constitutes of grey shirts, black three-piece tops, and khaki trousers. Additionally, all the armed men are wearing hats. The men are also carrying black bags with a certain trademark and a white handle. The buildings near the scene of the battlefront seem demolished. Some of the people lying down are in the same uniform as that of the men in action. The parts of the ar t, which are in light are the standing people like Eugene Delacroix and the woman with a rifle. The subdued people are in shade and the source of light is the rising sun at the horizon. The painting has a good mixture of colors, which have been used to create dà ©cor and beauty of the images and the background. The whole scene reveals a fierce confrontation between two rival groups and the scene that catches my eyes is the woman carrying the flag implies that a battle was worn and the group owning the flag worn the battle (Delacroix sand ONeill 67). The figures are intriguing and attractive to the audience especially because of the colors used to present them. There is movement portrayed by the painter. The woman with a rifle is presumed to be in motion given her position. The three dimensional reflection of the painting is manifest in the creative location of the background, the sky and the people at the forefront. The painter was standing at the front

Monday, October 14, 2019

Informative Essay on Save the Last Dance and Step Up Essay Example for Free

Informative Essay on Save the Last Dance and Step Up Essay Informative Essay on Step Up and Save the Last Dance The two movies, Step Up and Save the Last Dance, have many things in contrast and in comparison to the other. In Step up, a girl named Sarah Johnson, a promising dancer in high school hoping to be admitted to study at Julliard School. She fails the audition and soon thereafter learns that her mother has been involved in a fatal car accident trying to get to her audition. After her mother’s death, Sara is wracked by built and gives up on ballet. She moves in with her father whom she doesn’t know well, transferring to an urban Chicago school. At her new school she finds that she is one of a handful of white people but quickly friendship flames up between her and a single mom named Chenille. Chenille invites Sara to a dance club called Stepps where she experiences dancing to hip-hop for the first time. While at Stepps, Sara meets Derek, Chenille’s brother and a student with dreams of attending Georgetown Medical School. Upon meeting and seeing each other at school, Derek decides to help Sara develop her dancing skills by incorporating more hip-hip into her ballet style. As they become closer, Derek takes her to a ballet and afterwards Sara confides in him about her mother and her dreams she tossed away. After, Derek convinces her that she needs to do what she wants and follow her dreams of Julliard. Sara auditions for Julliard for the second time, Derek arriving at a crucial point to offer encouragement and support. Sara was finally accepted into Julliard, and to celebrate Sara’s successful audition, they go dancing at the club Stepps. In Save the Last Dance, Tyler Gage was sentenced to 200 hours of community service for breaking into and vandalizing Maryland School of Arts. His community service is to be served at the school and notices as he peers into a dance class a girl named Nora Clark, whom was preparing for her â€Å"senior showcase,† an audition which could determine whether or not she is offered a job with any one of the professional dance companies. When friends of Tyler visit him on the school’s lot, Nora curiously watches from a window as Tyler incorporated a mix of break-dancing and ballet moves he recently observed while watching her. Nora finds herself unexpectedly without a partner for her routine when her partner sprains his ankle during a dance practice. She  held some auditions but decides that no one at her school meet her expectations. Tyler offered to be her partner, but Nora initially refuses. But Tyler proves that he can handle her requests by effortlessly catching and lifting her in a leap, quickly reconsidering his offer to help. Nora convinces the director of the school to allow him to rehearse with her and as they continue with rehearse; they teach each other their styles of dance and become closer to one another. When Nora takes Tyler to a special spot of hers, she reveals to him of how she envisioned her routine and becomes inspired to help her dream come true. He started with recruiting younger dancers for her routine while trying to balance his new goals, his new friends and rekindling the friendships with his old friends. Tyler decides he wants to attend Maryland and speaks with the director about this when Nora suggests that the showcase could be used as his entrance audition. The director agrees to this and advises that this could prove that he deserves a chance. Nora and Tyler move forward with their relationship and rehearsals continue as normal until Noraâ⠂¬â„¢s former dance partner returns seemingly healed from his injury. Tyler, feeling no longer needed, leaves the group and thus returns to the janitorial community services he was sentenced to. Nora continued to incorporate many of Tyler’s suggestions for the routine but finds the new choreography is much too difficult for her previous dance partner. Her partner resigns himself from the routine whilst Nora is once again left without a partner. Nora considers abandoning her dance career, but transforms her choreography into a solo piece when she received support and encouragement from her mother who used to be opposed of her future in dance. Tyler realizes after becoming reacquainted with his old friends that he needs to make better choices in his life when his friend was fatally shot after stealing a car. Tyler showed up at Nora’s showcase last minute and tries to persuade Nora to let him perform with her and to forgive him for his actions. She declined but changes her mind as Tyler wishes her good luck and walks away. After their performance, a director from a professional dance company spoke to Nora about signing her on with them and the director from the school told Tyler he is now a â€Å"transfer student† at Maryland. To be clear with the comparisons and contrasts, Sara was a student who knew only ballet and was taught hip-hop by her boyfriend, Derek. Tyler was a  hip-hop break-dancer who was taught ballet by his girlfriend, Nora. Sara threw away her dreams of going to Julliard due to her mother passing while trying to go to her first audition. Tyler threw away his dream of going to Maryland when Nora decided to use her former dance partner for her showcase. As both sets of main characters incorporate their dance styles together, both sets grew closer to their partner and ended up being in a relationship. Derek convinces Sara to reconsider her dream of Julliard, continue with what makes her happy and re-audition for Julliard. Nora convinced Tyler to use her showcase as his entrance audition, convincing the director of the school as well. Both movies also have surprise visits to emotionally support their partners during a stressful and hard event. Tyler showed up at Nora’s showcase last minute as well as Derek at Sara’s audition. Tyler got into Maryland, Nora became a professional dancer, Derek got into Medical School and Sara got into Julliard. They all accomplished their dream. But in contrast, they both started out dancing a different style before learning to mix it up with another. Tyler first only knew break-dancing and learned ballet. Sara only knew ballet and learned hip-hop. They both started with two different styles. Tyler, the main character in Step Up, was trying to get into Maryland High School as Sara was trying to get into Julliard, a college that’s also difficult to get into. Tyler doesn’t have trouble fitting in at the school while he’s supposed to be there for community service, he fits right in when his dance talents are brought to light. Sara didn’t fit in at her new school and didn’t end up fitting in even in the end of the movie, she just had her few friend s and was happy with that even though she was still considered the oddball of the school for being one of the few white people there. There may be a few more comparisons than contrasts, but I love the movies so much I had trouble pointing out every contrast and unknowingly sought out the comparisons over the contrasts. If there’s a person that has never watched these two movies I would highly recommend them!

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Product Placement In Movies Media Essay

Product Placement In Movies Media Essay Many people who saw Home alone remember the scene in the beginning where the McAllister family sits around the table having dinner. Fuller, go easy on the Pepsi, Kevins aunt said to her son. But this phrase is much more than just a warning against drinking too much soda. These products are not appearing by accident. In a quest to cut the commercial clutter and declining television ratings, marketers have tried their hand at more subtle or intrusive ways of displaying their products in big-screen movies through what is known as product placement. Product placement, also called embedded marketing, is defined by the European Union as any form of audiovisual commercial communication consisting of the inclusion of or reference to a product, a service or the trade mark thereof so that is featured within a programme  [1]  . It is a form of advertising that is used in movies and TV shows where branded products are placed in a movie setting. It usually aims to be inconspicuous and be part of the scene so that the audience will see a product in the natural environment. Product placement practices also exist in music videos, radio programs, video games, plays, novels etc. Placing branded products in entertainment media like movies is not a new developed concept. There is no doubt that the consumer is more likely to accept product placement in movies compared to traditional advertisements. Product placement can add credibility to a movie. It is easier to identify with a story or with a movie character when they used products familiar to everyday life. Product placement is a substitute for the traditional TV advertising. It has been used since the invention of the small screen. Product placement or brand placement appeared first in motion pictures as early as the late 1940s and early 1950s. One example was in 1948 in the movie Mildred Pierce where an actor drank Jack Daniels whinsky. Since Reeses Pieces appeared in the movie E.T. The Extraterrestrial, over 20 years ago, product placement has developed and evolved significantly. After the film realesed, Hersey claimed a 65% increase in sales of Reeses Pieces candy. This success generate an intensified interest in product placement area which has led to the establishement of agencies that specialize in product placement. Some of the company that provides product placement servicies are: Creative Film Production, Creative Artist, Krown Enterteinment, Norm Marshall Associates, Robert Kovologgs Associated Film Promotions, Unique Product Placement, Creative Entertainment Servicies.  [ 2]  This agencies examine film scripts, search for appropriate settings in movies where their clients products can be placed and then make suggestions to the film makers. The product placement in a movie can be as simple as a product being used in one scene (e.g. when a character uses a particular brand of beer or soft drink), a brand being mentioned by a character in the story, or a logo visible in the background of a frame (e.g. when a brands logo is visible on a billboard or the side of a truck). At the other extreme, a product placement can be an integral part of the movie. In the movie Youve got mail, AOL Internet service was an essential part of the movie and was connected to the plot throughout the entire movie. The multifaceted nature of product placement makes it an interesting, complex, marketing practice. In any James Bond movies, the agent has always been drinking martini, driving luxuries cars, wearing the fanciest suits and the most expensive watches. James Bond movies are famous for being the ones with the biggest amount of product placement. They include mostly upmarket range products. CinemaScore To determine how much a marketer should pay a movie producer for a product placement, Ed Mintz developed a sistem called CinemaScore which is similar to the Nielsen ratings in television advertising. CinemaScore is the industry lider in measuring movie appeal among theatre audiences. For over 34 years, CinemaScore has been polling moviegoers at major movie releases on opening night to collect demographic information and calculate a distinctive CinemaScore grade. A movies overall CinemaScore can range from A+ to F. For example, using the CinemaScore formula, they calculated a $28,130 placement fee for the placement of Coke in Crocodile Dundee II based on projected $100,000 million revenues at the box office and recall data obtain from exit surveys. Types of product placement strategies Product placement strategies can be categorized by the mode of presentation (the senses activated by the stimulus) into three modes: visual only (VIS), audio only (AUD) and combined audio-visual (AV). The first mode (VIS) involves showing a product, logo, billboard or some other visual brand identifier without any relevant message or sounds on the audio track which draw attention to the product (e.g. Danny DeVito drinking Coors Light with the label clearly exposed to the audience in Twins). The second mode involves the mention of a brand name or a character conveying brand-related messages in audio form, without showing the product on the screen (e.g. Martin Sheen yelling to a waitress Get this kid a Molson Light in Wall Street). The third mode (AV) involves showing a brand and at the same time mentioning the brand name or conveying a brand-relevant message in audio form (e.g. the main character in Waynes World saying the choice of a new generation before taking a sip from a can of Pepsi). Placements in any of the three modes may be subtle or prominent. Prominent placements are those in which the product (or other band identifier) is made highly visible by virtue of size and/or position on the screen or its centrality to the action in the scene. Subtle placements are those in which the brand is not shown prominently (e.g. small in size, a background pop outside of the main field of visual focus, lost in an array of multiple products or objects, low time of exposure). Mode and prominence are relevant to the ease with which a product can be incorporated into a movie, and therefore the cost to the marketer of reaching an audience in this way. Of the three modes, VIS is the most frequently used, but it runs the risk that viewers will not attend to or recall the products presence in the scene in the absence of audio reinforcement. AV overcome this problem, but it is the most expensive and difficult mode to accommodate. Similarly, subtle placement which can be incorporated into a scene as background and do not require a plausible basis for the overt integration of the product into the action are relatively less costly than prominent depictions. A worldwide trend in advertising, product placement, is a vehicle for everything from foodstuffs to electronics or automobiles. So, how does it work exactly? Its actually pretty simple. Basically, there are three ways product placement can occur: it simply happens it is arranged and a certain amount of the product serves as compensation it is arranged and there is financial compensation Sometimes product placement just happens. A set dresser, producer, director or even an actor might come across something he thinks will enhance the project. Usually, this has to do with boosting the level of credibility or realism of the story being told. One exemple can be found in the surprising use of a can of RAID- an ant killer made by the SC Johnson company- in an episode of the popular HBO series The Sopranos. According to an article in USA Today, Therese Van Ryne, a spokeswoman for the SC Johnson, said that the company was not approached about the use of their product. The most common type of deal is a simple exchange of the product for the placement. Let supposing that someone of the crew knows someone who works for Honest Tea. The movie people approach the Honest Tea folks with a proposal and the deal is made; in exchange of the airtime, the cast and crew are provided with an ample supply of Honest Tea drinks at work. Sometimes a gift of the product is not an appropriate form of compensation, so money powers the deal. Why do they use product placement? To achieve prominent audience exposure, visibility, attention and interest To increase brand awareness To increase consumer memory and recall of the brand/product To create instant recognition of the product/brand in the media vehicle and at the point of purchase To bring desired change in consumers attitudes or overall evaluation of the brand To bring a change in the audiences purchase behaviors Product placement can have a significant effect on message receptivity. The sponsor of product placements is likely to gain goodwill by associating itself with a popular program targeted to a specific audience. The more successful the program, the longer shelf life of the product placement. Nielsen Media Research has shown that product placement in television shows can raise brand awareness by 20%.  [3]  Product placements can have a significant effect on recall. For example, memory improves when visual/auditory modality and plot connection are congruent. Verbal and visual brand placements are better recall than placements having one or the other. To increase brand memory, brands should be prominently placed and be accompanied by an actor in films or television programs. Brand evaluations can become more positive when the placement is more editorial instead of commercial and when non-users of the brand are reached. Behavior and behavioral intentions are influenced best when the audience has positive evaluations of brand placement, when placements are presented in editorial formats, and when placements are repeated.  [4]   Conclusion Product placement is gaining more and more popularity and at the same time has turned into a huge, profitable business for both the broadcasting companies and the producers. In the past decade product placement has become a very sophisticated business. Today, every movie contains product placement. While in the James Bond-Movies 007 drinks Martini, Will Smith drives a Porsche 911 Turbo in Bad Boys. There could be mentioned thousands of examples like this I think product placement is an innovative way to advertise a product, Ray said. When you show the usefulness of your product by showing how it makes other peoples lives easier, youve created an advertisement that is invaluable. (Neuroscience major Andrew Ray) Douglas McKinley, an advertising professor at BYU, sees product placement as a necessary monetary help for a film industry. We have all come to accept product placement as a legitimate way to help fund the movie, McKinley said. (Product placement can be) good if the product is written into the script so that it looks like part of the landscape. The next time you watch a movie try to keep an eye out for products or brand-names you recognize. It is highly likely that you will see one of the major soft drink companies represented. Once you spotted something, see how many other scenes include that product. You will start to see a trend. How, you will wonder, can the actor hold the Coke just the right way every time so that the logo is perfectly visible?

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Louis Riel Essays -- essays research papers

Patriote or Traitor? Louis Riel was born in 1844. He was captured and executed by Canadian authorities in November 16, 1885. He was a leader who gave up his life and time to fight for the right of the Metis, Indians and the western settlers. He was an well-educated young man fluent in both French and English. He was also selected as the Metis’s spokesman to negotiate with the Canadian government. During the 1869-70, he led the rebel when Canada purchases Manitoba from the Hudson’s bay company. Also, he organized and led a similar rebellion in 1885. Above all, is he a patriote or a traitor? It was inappropriate to accuse Riel as a traitor. He tried to defend the traditional rights of Metis and made sure they treated as equally as the British subjects. Riel was a patriote, who passionately love, supported and defended his people. He was also a serious and thoughtful person who dedicated his life to help others. Metis, Native Indians and western setters were all very proud of and respected thi s leader because of his life long effort. He was a person who was willing to step up and told the government what they needed. Riel never wanted any violent, in fact, he wanted to use peaceful methods to achieve the changes they desired. Moreover, he had no intention to declare independence nor to take over Canada. Unfortunately, Canadian government did not realize the difficult situation of the Metis. They kept ignoring and disregarding their demand. Consequently, these people were forc...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Commercial company Essay

Select a major industrial or commercial company based in the United States and listed on one of the major stock exchanges in the United States. Each student should select a different company. Avoid selecting an insurance company or a bank, because the financial ratios for these financial businesses are different. Write a seven-to-eight-page double-spaced paper answering and demonstrating with calculations and financial data the following questions. 1. What is the name of the company? What is the industry sector? Starbucks Corporation is in the Food and Beverage industry 2. What are the operating risks of the company? Economic conditions in the US and certain international markets could adversely affect Starbucks’ business and financial results. – as a retailer Starbucks is dependent upon the customer’s discretionary spending. Customers may have less money for discretionary purchases as a result of job losses, foreclosures, bankruptcies, increased fuel and energy costs, higher interest rates and taxes. Decreases in customer traffic will negatively impact financial performance. Starbucks may not be successful in implementing important strategic initiatives or effectively managing growth, which may have an adverse impact on our business and financial results. – there is no assurance that Starbucks will be able to implement strategic initiatives and achieve the results that are within management’s expectations. These initiatives are designed to create growth, improve operations and drive long-term shareholder value. Starbucks face intense competition in each of our channels and markets, which could lead to reduced profitability. Starbucks is highly dependent on the financial performance of the America’s operating segment – the Americas operating segment contributes 74% of the total net revenues in fiscal 2013. Starbucks is relying on the success in the European/ Middle East, China/Asia Pacific operating segments to achieve overall growth targets. Other international operations are also subject to additional inherent risk when conducting business abroad. Of which, include: Forex rate fluctuations. Changes or uncertainties in economic, legal, regulatory, social and political conditions in international markets. Restrictive actions of foreign or US governments affecting trade. Enforceability of intellectual and contract rights. Local laws Disruption in energy supplies. Delays in store opening beyond the control of management. Increases in the cost of high-quality Arabica coffee beans or other commodities. Disruption in the supply chain, which will impact the ability to deliver Starbucks’ products. The loss if key personnel or difficulties in recruiting and retaining qualified personnel Adverse public or medical opinions about the health effects of consuming Starbucks’s products, as well as reports of incidents involving food-borne illnesses, food tampering or food contamination. Starbucks relies heavily on information technology in operations, and any material failure, inadequacy, interruption or security failure of that technology could harm Starbucks’ ability to effectively operate the business. Failure to comply with local laws and regulations. 3. What is the financial risk of the company (the debt to total capitalization ratio)? Market Cap: 56.69 BN Debt: 2.05BN Debt/total cap ratio = 0.036 (, 2014) 4. Does the company have any preferred stock? The company does not have preferred stock. 5. What is the capital structure of the company: short-term portion of long-term debt, long-term debt, preferred stock (if any), and market value of common stock issued and outstanding? short-term portion of long-term debt 357.7 Million Long-term debt 1,299 Million Preferred Stock 0 Market value of common stock 56.69 Billion 6. What is the company’s current actual beta? 0.95 7. What would the beta of this company be if it had no long-term debt in its capital structure? Unlevered Beta using Hamada equation = Beta /[1+(1-T) x (D/E)] Beta : 0.95 Marginal Tax Rate, T: 32.8% D/E: 0.036 Unlevered Beta = 0.96 / [1+(1 -0.328)*0.036] =0.937 8. What is the company’s current marginal tax rate? Income taxes for the fiscal year ended 2012 resulted in an effective tax rate of 32.8% compared to 31.1% for fiscal year 2011. (Starbucks Coffee Company, 2013) 9. What is the price earnings multiple of the company? Price to earnings ration. This ratio is used in conjunction with other metrics to give analyst and investors are quick initial impression of whether a company would make a good investment. (investopedia, 2014) Starbucks P/E ratio is 385.05 10. How has the company’s stock been performing in the last 5 years? Starbucks share price 282.32% in the last 5 yrs. 11. Would you invest in this company? Why or why not? I would invest in Starbucks. SBUX has the highest P/E ratio among its competitors. Their cost of debt is low compared to their cost of equity. That is why they are relying on debt for their expansion. Their dividends per share have been increasing yearly. 18. The last page of your paper should be a Bibliography of the sources you used to prepare this paper. Bibliography investopedia. (2011, feb). Cost of Equity. (investopedia) Retrieved septmeber 2014, from Investopedia: investopedia. (2014). Definition of â€Å"Prince Multiple’. Retrieved from Starbucks Coffee Company. (2013). Fiscal 2013 Annual Report. Investor Relations. Seattle: Starbucks Coffee Company. (2014, september). Yahoo Finance. (, Producer) Retrieved september 2014, from Yahoo finance: